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The Rocco Effect - Thoughts, Feelings and Actions

Whoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him – Jesus 

Being sad isn't just a feeling.  We think 'Why does no one like me?' 'What did I do wrong?' ;Why do I hurt so much?' and create lists of reasons why we should feel sad.  We become lazy, we do nothing and lose our sense of meaning and purpose.  The opposite is also true.  What are your thoughts like when you feel your best?  How much more gets done when you feel your best?  When we start viewing all three as connected we are able to quickly change states.  We've all experienced being in a bad mood only to go to sleep and wake up feeling a lot better. We procrastinate until our thoughts or feelings move us into action.  How good do you feel before and after you exercise?    When we think positively, act right and feel great our lives get filled with more and more greatness.  When we choose to think negatively, not act and linger in those negative feelings they'll grow too, until you're stuck in a hell of your own creation.  Choose to be happy, think positive and do what needs done.


The Rocco Effect - Thoughts, feelings and actions


For the next three days, notice your feelings before, during and after these tasks  

1. Exercise for 15 minutes each day  
2. Write down 5 positive things about you/your life  
3. Walk in nature

Video Reading


For the next three days, notice your feelings before, during and after these tasks 

1. Exercise for 15 minutes each day 
2. Write down 5 positive things about you/your life 
3. What thoughts/feelings lead to you being your most productive?

Journal Questions

1. What thoughts moved you into action?  
2. What actions led you to feeling great?  
3.Where did your feelings lead you?  
4.What leads you to feeling your best?


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