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The Rocco Effect - Ask Better Questions

The happiness of your life depends on the qualities of your thoughts – Marcus Aurelius 

Keep watch of your thoughts and the questions you ask yourself. Questions lead to answers. Before you ask a question, think of what type of answer you want. If you want more friends, which one of these questions will lead you to the best results?  Why does no one like me? What can I do to be a better friend?  One will give you a list of reasons why you're useless, the other will give you a list of things you can do to help you grow. You'll be sad and angry with the answers to first question, but you'll be happy and motivated with the answers to the second question.   Here's a list of better questions to help get you started. 

Why am I still single? How can I show off my attractive qualities? 
Why am I so stupid? What do I need to do in order to get smarter? 
Why am I so lazy?  What productive things can I do, now? 
Why didn't I get promoted? How do I gain the skills needed for a promotion?
Who's fault is it? What can I do to solve the problem and prevent it from happening in the future?

The Rocco Effect - Ask Better Questions

Video Reading


During the course of the next week...  

1. Keep watch of the questions you ask yourself 
2. Replace negative questions with better questions 
3. Notice the change in your mood and motivation

Journal Questions

1. What 'are five 'better questions' you can start asking yourself? 
2. What bad questions do you need to replace? 
3. How will asking better questions benefit your life?


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