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The Rocco Effect - Idea Muscle

Everywhere you go, everything you see, every problem you confront, you will instantly be able to react to every situation that stands in your path.  You will be like Spiderman with his spider sense that instantly reacts and knows what to do even before the problem surfaces. ― James Altucher 

The Rocco Effect - Idea Muscle

We all face obstacles, daily.  These obstacles can lead to fear, anger and depression if we see no way through them. But how would we feel if we could see, multiple ways through them?  A lot better, right?  Just like a swimmer isn't afraid of water, a You can train to not be afraid of obstacles   So, how do we train?

By writing out 10 ideas (solutions to problems), each day.  For example - How can I improve this room?  How can i make someone smile today? What designs could I sell?  By pushing yourself to think of 10 you train yourself to look for solutions that aren't obvious.  Which prepares you to find better solutions when you are faced with real problems.  Being prepared keeps us calm, happy and courageous. 


Each day write an ideas list for one of these questions

1. What could I stop doing in order to improve my life?
2. How can I avoid becoming homeless?
3. How could I make $10 today?
4. How can i improve 1 room in my house?
5. How can I get/improve my love life?

This lesson comes from James Altuchers book - Choose Yourself


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