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Bonus - Saved Quotes

Never go to sleep without a request to your subconscious - Thomas Edison 

Never discourage anyone who makes progress, no matter how slow - Plato 

Busy people need at least 2/3 hobbies as a chance to escape and let the mind rest - Churchill 

To a disciple who was forever complaining about others, The Master said, 'If it is peace you want, seek to change yourself, not other people. It is easier to protect your feet with slippers than to carpet the whole of the earth' - Anthony De Mello 

It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That's not weakness, that's life - Captain Jean-Luc Picard 

Tell me and i'll forget, show me and i may remember, involve me and i'll understand - Chinese Proverb Here's a lesson to test your mind's mettle: take part of a week in which you have only the most meager and cheep food, dress scantly in shabby clothes, and ask yourself if this is really the worst that you feared. - Seneca


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