Remember, it is not enough to be hit or insulted to be harmed, you must believe that you are being harmed. If someone succeeds in provoking you, realize that your mind is complicit in the provocation. Which is why it is essential that we not respond impulsively to impressions; take a moment before reacting, and you will find it easier to maintain control. - Epictetus

Words can be as powerful as a slap in the face, if we let them. If an idiot said 'Pigs can fly' we'd dismiss it, so why do we trust their judgement on us? Maybe we're not upset at their judgement, but are upset at our own judgment of ourselves. Do beautiful people feel insulted when called ugly? Smart people when their called idiots? Healthy when their called fat? No, the insult only hurts when we see ourselves in the same light. If you want to be immune, be awesome, do your best and only repeat good thoughts about yourself. You know yourself better than anyone, it's the one field where you're the world expert. Does it make sense for a world expert to get upset over a fools observation?
TaskFor the next week. Strengthen your ego.
1. Write down all the awesome things you have done.
2. Ask friends to share one thing that makes you awesome.
3. Do one awesome thing each day.
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