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100 Questions for a better life - Personal Growth

155. What would you learn, if you knew you would succeed at it?

156. What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?

157. What advice would you give to someone in a similar situation as yourself?

158. What has been your biggest life lesson in the last year?

159. What is your 5 year plan?

160. How can you get there in 1 year?

161. What's stopping you spending more time on your personal growth?

162. What 5 qualities are you most proud of having?

163. How have you grown in the last year?

164. What have you learned in the last week?

165. What awesome things are you working on?

166. What makes it awesome?

167. What are your values?

168. How can you share what you have learned?

169. What do I need to stop doing?

170. What daily tasks am I doing in order to grow?

171. What books have I read this year?

172. What have I learned from them?

173. How have I used these lessons to benefit my life?

174. What books am I looking forward to reading in the future?

175. What projects am I working on?

176. What task will you do today, that will make you a better person, come tomorrow?

177. What three personal growth related quotes mean the most to you? Why?

178. Where are my current actions leading me?

179. What qualities would I like to grow?

180. Do I allow myself enough time each day to improve myself?

181. Who are my idols?

182. What values do they have?

183. What can I learn from their mistakes?

184. Who were their idols?

185. What books did they read?

186. What advice would they give me?

187. What does the perfect version of me look like?

188. How would they handle the problems I am facing, today?

189. How do I show appreciation to myself, when I do well?

190. What does your list of accomplishments look like?

191. What can I stop doing so that I can spend more time doing what I want to do?

192. What do I need to do in order to grow a little each day?

193. How can I overcome the challenges that come my way?

194. How have I grown today?


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