101. What does a good time with my partner look like?
102. If you knew they'd say yes, who would you spend the rest of your life with?
103. What does your dream life, with your partner, look like?
104. What's stopping you taking the next step in your love life?
105. What values do you look for in a partner?
106. What can you start doing to show more love to your partner?
107. How have I grown from my failures in love?
108. Where are my current actions leading me in love?
109. What do I do to ensure my partner is living the best life I can provide?
110. If I where to die tonight, how would my partner remember me?
111. How do I want them to remember me?
112. What actions must I take, to ensure they remember me, the way I want them to?
113. How can I make them want to date me?
114. What qualities make me attractive?
115. How well do I show off my qualities?
116. What qualities should I work on to become even more attractive?
117. I'm I the type of person, the type of person I like, would find attractive?
118. What unusual date ideas we do together?
119. When is our next date and what's one thing I can do to make it better?
120. What three relationship related quotes mean the most to you? Why?
121. Where are my current actions leading me?
122. What advice can I give others to maintain a better love life?
123. What qualities make you a great partner?
124. How do I show my partner I appreciate them?
125. What can I learn from my partner?
126. What am I working towards?
127. What can I stop doing so that I can spend more time being with my partner?
128. How has my life improved due to knowing my partner?
129. If I don't express my love who will I become?
130. How can I make my relationship 1 % better today?
131. In what areas are my emotions in control?
132. Is it rational to allow my emotions to stay in control?
133. If I was to die tomorrow, what could I do to make my relationship matter today?
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