Losers have goals. Winners have systems. ā
The pursuit of a goal gives you a purpose and the growth makes you feel great. The completion of a goal makes you feel awesome, but it never lasts long and before long your left lost, without purpose, which leads to depression, a state which will likely destroy most of your progress you made pursuing the goal.
How do we avoid this lonely state, but still continue to grow and make progress? By thinking in systems, instead of goals. A goal is a target we work towards hitting, a system is the daily process of trying to get better. A goal may be to run a marathon in X amount of time. A system would be to run daily, pushing yourself a little further each day/ It doesn't end once you hit your target as a new target is made each day, continuing growth and the positive feelings attached to that.
How do we avoid this lonely state, but still continue to grow and make progress? By thinking in systems, instead of goals. A goal is a target we work towards hitting, a system is the daily process of trying to get better. A goal may be to run a marathon in X amount of time. A system would be to run daily, pushing yourself a little further each day/ It doesn't end once you hit your target as a new target is made each day, continuing growth and the positive feelings attached to that.
Goal - Pass an exam System - Learn something new each day
Goal - Lost 5 stone System - Maintain a healthy weight
Goal - Read a book System - Read a little each day
1. What goals do you currently have?
1. What goals do you currently have?
2. Convert your goals into systems
3. After a week of performing your systems, notice how much better begin you feel.
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