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The Rocco Effect - Growth

I move forward in my life every day, even if it's only a tiny step, because I know that great things are accomplished with tiny moves, but nothing is accomplished by standing still - Zig Ziglar

I've found that growth is the quickest way to happiness, motivation and slaying depression.  When I grow I become better. My actions lead to more successful outcomes and as a result I help advance the world, one day at a time.  Making the world a better place reduces suffering and that helps breed more happiness and even more growth.  Growth leads to better opportunities in all aspects of life. Time is an investment, we can choose to invest in ourselves or we can let it go to waste. Be wise, invest your time, grow and become awesome.



for the next week

1. Learn one new skill 
2. Combine your new skill with an old skill
3. Share your new creation

Journal Questions

1. How have you grown in the last week? 
2. How will you grow tomorrow? 
3. How does your growth make you feel?


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