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The Rocco Effect - Meditation

The greater the level of calmness of our mind, the greater our peace of mind, the greater our ability to enjoy a happy and joyful life. - Dalai Lama

Anxiety and stress stem from the same thing, an overcrowded mind.  We make bad decisions when we overthink, which in turn leads to more anxiety and stress.  Its a vicious cycle, but there is a way out, meditation.  Meditation, put simply, is training our minds to focus on one thing.  With only one thing in our heads we are able to think clearly and achieve better solutions.  With better solutions we reduce the causes of our stress and anxiety.  Clear your head, think clearly and start living an awesome life again.



For the next three days, whenever you catch yourself thinking

1. Breath deeply in through your nose and out your mouth.
2. Focus on the breath.  Feel it flow through you.
3. If you notice your mind drifting, return your focus to your breath
4. Notice how much calmer your thoughts become

Journal Questions

1. What can you do to reach a calm state?  

2. How do old problems look, after you leave your calm state?  

3. What's your performance level like when you are calm?


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