If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed. - William H. McRaven
This has multiple benefits for 1 fixing problems makes your world a better place, living in a better world should make you happier. It also serves as a small win. It's an easy task but do enough small things and you'll start feeling proud and happier. And it's not just you who lives on this world, if your help affects others then your likely to get more and more people who like you.
If you notice a small problem (or something that could lead to a problem) solve it.
See some mess? clean it.Dishes pilings up? Clean them and put them back?
No clothes? Clean them.
By solving the small problems it gives you more time to do the things you want. You'll have accomplished something so you will feel pride /happy.
This is a very easy task and over time the benefits really add up so i highly encourage everyone reading to try this.
Wherever you are. Stay seated but look around and see how you can make whoever you are a little better. After you've thought of a few things go off and do it. Do this whenever you can and take note of how you feel afterward. After a few days take note on how you're feeling now compared to when you 1st started.
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