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The Rocco Effect - Cold Shower

Fear does not go away by itself. You have to confront your fear, mold it, then learn to control it in itā€™s own irrational reality. Every human being has the power to do just that. To go deep within and confront your inner being is a powerful act. Going deep and developing the willpower is the only way. - Wim Hof

If you where more confident how would your life look? You'd ask your crush out, you'd demand to be paid your worth and you won't let others push you around. Being more confident is a skill we should all want to improve, but how can we improve it? Easy, it's as simple as taking a cold shower after your normal shower. Facing fear is what breads confidence and no matter how often you do it, stepping into the cold requires requires you to face your fear. Reminding yourself of what your capable of, every morning will make it easier to be more confident throughout the day.

How to

Have your normal shower. Once your finished, step aside, breath and turn it to freezing. Once your ready step back inside and endure the cold. Aim for 30 seconds and notice how good you feel afterwards.

The Rocco Effect - Cold Showers

Video Reading


For the next 10 days...

1. Have a 30 second cold shower after your normal shower

2. Notice how you feel afterwards

3. Take a note of when your more confident during the day

Journal Questions  

1. How do you feel after a cold shower? 

2. How have cold showers affected the rest of your day? 

3. How has your confidence increased?


If you'd like to take facing hardships and challenges to the next level watch the video below by Tim Ferris.


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