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Showing posts from June, 2020

The Rocco Effect - Body Pose

If you saw someone hunched over, head facing the ground and walking slowly how do you think they feel?  Compare that to someone standing upright, shoulders back with their head held high.  We know that our feelings put us into these poses, but did you know the opposite is possible?  We can change how we feel by changing our stance and we can prime stances by linking it to a certain feeling.  Priming takes time, but you can quickly see the effects for yourself by standing up straight with your shoulders back.  Take note of how much better you feel , then start priming other poses so you can always quickly feel your best. Video 

The Rocco Effect - I'm pushing through

What we say is a reflection on how we think.  Don't let tough times make you believe that your anything less than awesome.  We all go through tough times, if your in one now, keep pushing through.   Video

The Rocco Effect - Consistincy Bias

Do you want to become the person you've always dreamed of being? of course you do.   Constancy Bias is a psychological bias everyone has.  It states that we will want to be consistent with what we said we believed in the past.  As a result we should state that we are strong, contagious, beautiful, fun, awesome e.c.t and let the bias take over to make these things true. Video

The Rocco Effect - Sponge

Do you find yourself thinking depressing thoughts, more than you'd like?  Take time to notice your surroundings friends, family, news ect  Our minds soak up what we surround yourself with so stop surrounding yourself with negativity and start surrounding yourself with positivity.  You'll be amazed at how quickly your thoughts change, for the better. Video

The Rocco Effect - Small Favor

Do you want your enemies to treat you better?  Try getting them to do you a small favour, failing that, just say 'Thank you for (something they did) that really helped me a lot'.  Who do you help? people you like.  By thanking them for doing favours you are persuading them into believing that they do like you.  Give it a go and share your results in the comment section. Video

The Rocco Effect - Deep Breath

Do you want to be less stressed and more calm?  Try taking 10 deep breaths, in through the nose, hold and out through the mouth 3 times a day.  Notice how much calmer you feel after the breaths and how much better you feel overall after a week. Video

Easy! Phonics - Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll

Learn phonics the Easy! way. Easy! Reading

The Rocco Effect - Staying Sane

We panic when there is no structure in our lives or when something breaks our regular structure.  So if your regular structure has changes take time to plan out a new one.  It will take a while to adjust, but once you do you'll start feeling calmer.  Give it a go and notice how much better your life becomes/ Video 

The Rocco Effect - Purpose

Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose. - Victor Frankl Meaning and purpose are what push us through the worst of times. Depression rushes in when we lose track of our purpose. Don't let it rush in, take time to focus on what's important to you and honor those values. You'll be happier and filled with a new sense of meaning every time you do. Comic Video Reading Task   1. Spend 15mins to write down your values. A list of things that are important to you.  2. Pick your top 5 values  3. Ask yourself 'How can i honour one of these values today?'  4. Go out and do it   Journal Questions   1. How did you honour your values today?  2. How does honouring your values make you feel?  3. How can you honour your values tomorrow?

Grass Mud Horse - The Hill I Chose To Die on (Animated Music Video)

Whilst living in Qinhuangdao, China.  Me and a few mates went drinking.  After a few beers i took to the stage, singing the only Chinese i knew 'Shenme Tanke' (What tank) [I know it makes no sense, but i found the words funny and as a result, remembered them].Chris saw the punk in me and as a result suggested we formed a band. Later, Will came to China with some great rap skills and music knowledge, as a result he was quickly persuaded to join us. Over the course of 2019 an album was wrote up, skills were developed and we were ready to start performing live in 2020, then, corona happened. We were split apart, I went back to Scotland (If there is a deadly virus out there, I want to be with my family), Will, the hard man, stayed in QHD and manned it out and Chris was up in the north of China with his family. ,but that didn't stop us.  Quarantine Sessions were made, albums based on old Irish Folk songs.  Below is an original song, about standing your ground.  Anima...

The Rocco Effect - Never stop learning

Value learning above everything else. This will lead you to all the right choices. - Robert Greene  People aren't happy about where they are their happy about where they're going.  Would you be happy with a $1,000,000 ? What if you had just lost $20,000,000 and that's all you had left?  It's not what you have, it's the direction you're moving that matters.  Happiness is as simple as moving in a positive direction.  I do this by learning something new.  I read, watch videos and listen to podcasts, then take notes on what was taught.  I then share those lessons with others to help reinforce my own knowledge as well as theirs.  Learning allows us to solve problems in new ways.  Think about what your life would look like after doing after gaining a week, moth, years worth of new knowledge.   Growth = happiness. Comic Video Reading Task     1. Learn something new, each day   2. Take notes to remind yourself what you learned ...

The Rocco Effect - Exercise

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit. - Aristotle We all know we should exercise more. I'm not going to explain all the health benefits because you already know them, instead I'm going to teach you how to start exercising more. The key is to think in terms of the snowball effect. A small snowball, pushed from the top of a mountain will slowly roll down, growing bigger and building up more speed as it goes. Start small and build up momentum as you go. One is infinitely better than zero, therefore you should think of exercise in the same way. Doing one push up a day instead of zero in infinity better, going from 1 push up to 2 is 100 % better, The start is where you make the biggest gains (In terms of percentage), keep the bar low enough that it's not even a question of if you can do it, you just do it. If the thought of an hour at the gym seems too much, start with 10 minutes. The important thing is that you treat that 1 push up or 10 minut...

The Rocco Effect - Focus

Always remember, your focus determines your reality. - George Lucas Focus is the key to a better life. What we focus on is what we see, what we see determines your reality. To see this for yourself watch the 'selective attention test' on Youtube. Since focus is directly linked to our reality, does it make any sense to focus on the negative? Of course not. It makes sense to focus on solutions you can take to make things better, but that's a positive, don't confuse the two. Should a negative thought creep into your head tell it with as much passion an emotion as you can to 'F**k Off!' and replace it with the exact opposite or a solution. e.g 'I suck, no one will ever love me' changes to 'I'm awesome. Everyone loves me' (both are untrue, but one leads to a much better outcome.), What we focus on will become our reality, stop focusing on being a loser and start focusing on being the hero you where born to be Comic Video Reading Task For the next ...

Easy! English - Self Introduction 2

Task Use what you have learned to introduce yourself.  Make a video a share it with others learning the Easy! way. Comic  Video Reading 

Easy! English - Instruments

Questions 1. What instrument can you play? Comic  Video Reading   Video Exercise 

Easy! Phonics - Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh

Aa,Bb,Cc,Dd Easy! Reading

Easy! English - Hobbies (part 2)

Questions 1. Whats the weather like? 2. What do you do when its _____? Comic Video Reading Video Exercise

The Rocco Effect - End your day happy

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel – Maya Angelou A happy ending can make you forget about all the rubbish before hand. If you leave happy, you'll soon forget the bad. I learned about this trick whilst working for a supermarket. If a customer leaves happy, they'll want to return, if not ,they will likely find somewhere else to shop. I took this lesson into my next job, teaching, and made sure every class ended with happy kids. They all left smiling and wanting to return to the next class. Wanting to return also made them want to learn and study harder at home. The customers could have had a bad time in store, the kids could have been crying during class, but that was all forgotten when the customers concerns where dealt with and the kids got to play a game. I then expanded this practice into my day to day life. If I meet someone I do my best to make sure they leave happy an...

Easy! English - Hobbies (Part 1)

Questions 1. What can you do? Comic Video Reading Video Exercise

The Rocco Effect - Cold Shower

Fear does not go away by itself. You have to confront your fear, mold it, then learn to control it in it’s own irrational reality. Every human being has the power to do just that. To go deep within and confront your inner being is a powerful act. Going deep and developing the willpower is the only way. - Wim Hof If you where more confident how would your life look? You'd ask your crush out, you'd demand to be paid your worth and you won't let others push you around. Being more confident is a skill we should all want to improve, but how can we improve it? Easy, it's as simple as taking a cold shower after your normal shower. Facing fear is what breads confidence and no matter how often you do it, stepping into the cold requires requires you to face your fear. Reminding yourself of what your capable of, every morning will make it easier to be more confident throughout the day. How to Have your normal shower. Once your finished, step aside, breath and turn it to freezing. ...

Easy! English - Sports (part 2)

Questions 1. What can you do on Tuesday? 2. What can you do on Thursday? Comic  Video Reading  Video Exercise 

Easy! English - Sports

Questions 1. What sports can you do? Comic Video Reading Video Exercise

The Rocco Effect - 5 Good Things

Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude. ― Ralph Waldo Emerson  Video Reading  How do you feel? I hope it's awesome, but I'm guessing that's not always the case. We're surrounded by greatness, if we know where to look, there is always a reason to feel awesome. If you woke up safe and warm in your bed, acknowledge and be grateful for that. Many aren't as fortunate and are waking up in the streets, but at least they awaken with another chance to improve their lives, many don't awaken to get that chance. Our lives now are infinitely better than those of our ancestors. Health care, plumbing, electricity, more than enough food/clean water and your freedom. Think of each think your grateful for as a gold coin, with each new addition you become a little bit wealthier in happiness and t...

Easy! English - Body Parts (part 2)

Questions 1. Can you flap your ears? 2. Can you blink your eyes? 3. Can you pick your nose? Comic Video Reading Video Exercise

Easy! Phonics - Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd

Learn to read in 3 easy steps 1. Watch the videos  2. Say the letters and words 3. Write the letters yourself Easy! Reading Watch the video and read these words