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Showing posts from 2022

The Rocco Effect - Stretch before bed

  A ruffled mind makes a restless pillow. -  Charlotte Bronte We all know the importance of a good sleep, but sometimes getting that is easier said than done.  Lying in bed, overwhelmed by thoughts has kept everyone up at some point in their lives.  How do we clear our heads, so we can sleep?  You meditate and clear your head. But it's not always thoughts that keep us up.  Sometimes we have to much energy stored up inside us.  Being active throughout the day will minimize this.  Stretching before bed will serve as a 'cool down' and rest your body.  Not only will it rest your body, stretching improves your physical performance, decreases your risk of injury, and helps your joints move through their full range of motion.  Task Stretch and focus on your breath before bed.  If i thought enters your head, return focus back to your breath.  Stretch your head and work your way down to your toes. 1. Notice how rested you feel 2. Notice...

The Rocco Effect - Seek Solutions

  Problems are the price you pay for progress. -  Branch Rickey Problems can seem so big that there are no solutions.  This sends us into depressions.  And when were in that state, things slowly just get worse.  In order to avoid this state, seek solutions to small problems. Do you expect to lift the heaviest weights the first time you enter a gym? of course not, you start small and work your way up.  Don't expect to change the world, if you can't change your clothes.  By starting small you learn that you ca solve problems, you learn that not only can find solutions, you can take action in order to solve them.  What small problems can you solve now? Task 1. look around you.  What problems can you see, that you can solve? 2. Take action and correct the problem. 3. How do you feel knowing that you helped make the world a little bit better? 4. Repeat this task daily

The Rocco Effect - No Complaining Challange

Don’t be overheard complaining…Not even to yourself -  Marcus Aurelius Complaining makes our sorrows grow.  We complain to get recognition for how we feel.  But why would you want agreement for these negative feelings?  If you aim to be calm and happy, stop complaining. Seek solutions. It may be as simple as looking at the situation from another perspective.  You might need to take action.  If you're scared ask yourself 'What's scarier, taking action or living with this problem indefinitely?'.  Taking action may lead to conflict, but that dies fast and beyond that chaos awaits a happier life. Is it your job to make sure your neighbors dishes are cleaned?  What if they are really upset about the mess?  We often assume others should fix OUR problems and script a narrative around why it's THEIR problem.  Forgetting that it's only a problem, if it bothers you.  Others won't fix your problems, assuming they will, will only bring you more...

Local Trouts - Ebay Dispute

 I animated this music video.  Hope you enjoy.

The Rocco Effect - Music Is Hypnotic

One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain. - Bob Marley When we blank out, no longer paying attention to the music on the lyrics, we are in a trance.  Here the music talks to our subconscious and influences how we think, feel and act. You can see this by looking at different groups of fans.  We also hypnotize ourselves by repeating lyrics (What's repeated seems true).  We train ourselves to focus on the lyrics and as we are focused we are much more likely to see similar things in our own lives.   Task 1. What type of life do you want?   2. Does the music you listen to reflect this?   3. What music would help you grow? 4. What lyrics are you focusing on? 5. what would your life look like if you where happier?