Don’t be overheard complaining…Not even to yourself - Marcus Aurelius Complaining makes our sorrows grow. We complain to get recognition for how we feel. But why would you want agreement for these negative feelings? If you aim to be calm and happy, stop complaining. Seek solutions. It may be as simple as looking at the situation from another perspective. You might need to take action. If you're scared ask yourself 'What's scarier, taking action or living with this problem indefinitely?'. Taking action may lead to conflict, but that dies fast and beyond that chaos awaits a happier life. Is it your job to make sure your neighbors dishes are cleaned? What if they are really upset about the mess? We often assume others should fix OUR problems and script a narrative around why it's THEIR problem. Forgetting that it's only a problem, if it bothers you. Others won't fix your problems, assuming they will, will only bring you more...
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