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The Rocco Effect - Groups

Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become. No single instance will transform your beliefs, but as the votes build up, so does the evidence of your new identity. - James Clear (Atomic Habits)

The Rocco Effect - Groups

We are social creatures.  Not only do we want to be part of the group, we want to be at the peak of the group, the one others look up to.  Raising our status becomes part of our lives purpose.

What do you post on social media?  Why?  How does your posts affect your status?  How does likes/comments/shares affect your status?

Before we join a group we need to ask ourselves if it's worth being part of.  For example mental health.  Is the status game based on who is thriving most, despite their illness or is status based on who's life is the worst because of their illness?  

Look around and you'll see people playing the  status game.  Some make themselves stronger and thrive, others make themselves sicker.  Who do you want to be?  What is the status game of your groups?  Are they making you stronger or weaker?


1. What status games are being played in your groups?

2. Are they making you stronger or weaker?

3. Could you change the game in order to make your group stronger?

4. Play the game that makes you stronger.  Lead others to play the same game.


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