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Showing posts from October, 2021

Original Song - Covid Passports


The Rocco Effect - Write A Book

Those who know, do. Those that understand, teach. – Aristotle   Why do we educate?  Because a smarter society is better for everyone.  Learning something new helps us grow and growth gives us meaning.  With meaning we are happier and as we grow we are of more productive and less destructive.   By sharing our knowledge we gain a new purpose.  We gain a deeper understanding of the subject.  We gain a following, people who look up to us.  Purpose + growth + a loyal following = a happier and more productive life.   And if we choose to sell our knowledge we gain more freedom.  We make money how we want, not how others want us to make it. Task 1. What subject do you know more of than others?   2. Who are the others?   3. Write a list of 10 things you could teach them. 4. Flesh out each item  5. Share your knowledge 6. Take note on how it makes you feel. 

Rocco Desta Comedy - Superman is what?


Rocco Desta Comedy - Granny Panties

  What did the thong say to the G-strings after their owner came back with granny panties?   Can you believe them?  Coming over here, taking our jobs.  Dam Knickers!

The Rocco Effect - Nothing Done Well Is Insignificant

Nothing well done is insignificant - Jordan Peterson If you want to make the world a better place, start small.  A small step in the right direction is infinitely better than doing nothing.   Doing good, following our values, makes us feel good.  Small, random boosts of feeling good become addictive.  By doing small, random good acts, we soon become adducted and seek to do more. Task 1. Write down 10 small, good acts, you can do 2. Perform one each day 3. notice how you feel afterwards