Some Promotional art i did for Legend of Rivers My 1st idea. Jenny wee teen lass that likes to wind folk up. 2nd Idea wee monkey based on me :D wee pervy/smart alik fox character. Emily young lass, basically would reenact funny moments from when i (or other members of fam) were kids. James, Alien who was being tested on, found shades that when put on made him into a superhero. 1st drawings of Rivers 1st Drawings of Boabby McFarlin. 1st Drawings of Violet. Evil Minion. Zombie with a brain basically a smart zombie, tricks folk so he can eat em/grow army. Its not enough that i should succeed, others should fail. original storyboard for im not gay im welsh original storyboard for im not gay im welsh original storyboard for im not gay im welsh original storyboard for im not gay im welsh Back story idea. to much to write here so hav...
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